New for 2019, we will be having a Masters call making contest. In order to enter this contest, you must have won or placed, in any category of our prior year call making contests. Congratulations, Ryan Roosa, Robert Mattila, Chase Silman, Channing Correa, Jesse traver, Eric Hignight, Charlie Webster, Corey Sorensen, Jason Smith, Adam Barnett, Waylon Thomson, Kyle Peterson, Brett Skelton, Jamie Hurlburt, Brandon Brown, Daniel Merritt, Tyler Gero, Scott Campbell, and Kiefer Burks for being selected!

The rules are simple. There will be one winner. You may enter any type of call (duck, goose, grunt, turkey, etc.) but it MUST be made during the allotted time period. It must be made with at least 50% Pintail Waterfowl’s material. This can be any available color or we can custom make a color for you. You may enter only one call. You may also enter our general call making contest this year with a different call.

To enter, you will submit a picture of your call. You are allowed to send 1 or 2 pics of your call. We are not judging on sound, but calls should be a working call. You must email all submissions to

August 1st-September 30th will be the call making and submission period.
September 3oth is the deadline for call picture submissions!
October 1st judging starts.
October 7th winners announced.

Judging will be done by Ryan, the owner of Pintail Waterfowl, based on material usage, creativity, and craftsmanship. Cheating in any way will be disqualified.

Prizes will be announced shortly.